Applying with us is very easy

Simply complete your personal details below, then answer our questionnaire which is specific to this vacancy. Your answers to the questionnaire will enable us to process your application faster. At the very bottom of this page please upload your resume and a covering letter or supporting documents if relevant. We accept files in PDF, .doc or .docx formats, under 2MB.

You are applying for the position:

Revenue Officer - Creditors | Whanganui, New Zealand

Application Form (All fields are required)

1. Advertising Avenue:
Where did you hear about this position?

2. Residency:
Which best describes your Residency Status?

3. Health Declaration:
Do you have any health problems, medical conditions or injuries which would affect your ability to perform the functions of the position as stated in the Position Description?

4. Health Declaration:
If you answered yes to the Health Question please explain briefly. You may be asked to expand on this information if chosen for an interview.

5. Criminal History:
Do you have any criminal convictions not including any concealed under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 or are you awaiting charges in a criminal court of law? You may be asked to complete a NZ Police criminal history check as part of the recruitment process.

6. Criminal History:
If you answered yes to the Criminal History Question (No 4) please explain briefly. You may be asked to expand on this information if chosen for an interview. If No, please enter N/A.

7. VCA check:
Do you consent to a Vulnerable Children's Act Police check being undertaken should the advertised position warrant it?

8. Credit check:
Do you consent to a credit check on you being undertaken should the advertised position warrant it?

9. Civil Defence:
All Whanganui District Council employees are required to participate in Civil Defence Emergencies which may require you to work outside of normal business hours. Are you willing to attend training and participate should a Civil Defence event occur?

10. Start date:
Should you be successful in securing this position, how much notice would you be required to provide your current employer?

11. Salary:
Please indicate your salary expectations for this position.

12. Referees:
Please nominate three people able to comment on your ability to perform the duties of the position applied for. Where possible, these should be previous Supervisors or Managers (Please provide: Name, Email address, Phone and Relationship to applicant).

13. Referees:
I give permission for the referees given to be contacted on my behalf in support of my application.

14. Declaration :
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers to the questions asked here and all information submitted with my application are correct. I understand that if any false information is given, or any material facts suppressed, I may not be employed, or if I am employed, I may be dismissed.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

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